Høvik school motivates employees to cycle to work with smart bicycle lockers
Høvik School is making strides towards sustainability and employee wellness with the implementation of ten smart bicycle lockers for their employees.
An effective measure
These lockers provide safe and secure parking for employees who choose to ride their bikes to work, and have been a game-changer for many staff members.
-It's very good to be able to park the bike safely inside. At the same time, it's good that it's reserved for employees so that you can count on free parking for those who work here, says Are Sofienlund - employee at Høvik Skole.
Before the installation of the smart bicycle lockers, employees' bikes were parked together with the students' bikes. This often led to issues with bikes being tampered with or damaged during the school day. With the implementation of the lockers, employees no longer have to worry about the safety of their bikes while at work.
Investment in secure bicycle parking
Previously it stood the employees' bikes parked together with the students' bikes. The staff at the school have experienced that others have tampered with the bicycles and they have had things damaged on the bicycles during the school day. With bicycle lockers deployed by Lier Municipality with dedicated access for employees, the employees have one less worry.
Lier Municipality has already deployed twenty smart bicycle lockers in Lierbyen. They are publicly available and free to use. What distinguishes the ten bicycle lockers at Høvik Skole from the others is that they are only accessible to the employees at Høvik Skole.
- Having multiple locations for safe bicycle parking makes the municipality more prepared to ensure the safe return of residents after an extended period of closure. says climate advisor Ingebjørg Tofte in Lier municipality.
The Bikely app allows employees to access the bike lockers, book and manage them before traveling, and also provides a full overview of all available bike lockers in the municipality. The ten bicycle lockers at Høvik School are only accessible to employees at the school, which makes it more convenient for them to choose cycling as their mode of transportation.
The implementation of smart bicycle lockers at Høvik School is a testament to the commitment of the school towards employee wellness and sustainability. It has been a successful initiative and has motivated many employees to choose cycling as a means of transport. The employees can now enjoy a more active lifestyle, and Høvik School can enjoy the benefits of having a healthier and more energized workforce.
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Høvik school motivates employees to cycle to work with smart bicycle lockers
Høvik School is making strides towards sustainability and employee wellness with the implementation of ten smart bicycle lockers for their employees.
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